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What is AGAPE?

We are on the planet to be and express the Divine Love of God that is alive within us, waiting to be released through us onto our world. Living as love is
a way of life that brings heaven on Earth.

Michael B. Beckwith - Founder and Spiritual Director

The essence of the Agape International Spiritual Center is best described by its founder, Dr. Michael Benard Beckwith:

“When I founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and community in 1986, we ‘visioned’ it as a movement that would take a stand for love, for peace, and for being a beneficial presence on the planet. That’s why it was named ‘Agape,’ which in Greek means unconditional love. Agape’s vision is fueled by the love of God, the One, indefinable yet unmistakable Presence whose vehicle on Earth is the human heart and soul. My aspiration is that every individual who is touched by the vibration of Agape is inspired to cultivate a heart of love as wide as the world.”

Agape is a global community dedicated to recognizing, honoring, and nurturing the dignity and uniqueness of all people. Its teaching and practice of the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition of spirituality has become a trans-denominational movement and community of 10,000+ local members and receives 1 million unique hits annually online via its livestreamed services and events across 212 countries and provinces worldwide. Through Dr. Beckwith’s weekly services, Agape University’s courses, ministries, and other outreach programs, the heart of Agape reaches deep into local and global communities teaching individuals about the transformative and healing power of prayer, meditation, and selfless service.

Agape’s local community outreach programs feed the homeless, serve incarcerated individuals, partner with community service organizations active in children’s schools and homes for youth at risk, support the arts, and advocate for the preservation of our planet’s environmental resources. Its global humanitarian programs provide food distribution, retraining programs, schools, libraries, orphanages, clinics, homes for unwed mothers, financial support during natural disasters, and human advocacy. Locations range from eight African countries to Afghanistan, Bosnia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Iraq, Kosovo, and Sri Lanka.

We invite you to explore Agape’s website and learn more about our dynamic, intentional community and the broad scope of opportunities we offer to enhance and enrich people’s lives through a foundation of personal spiritual empowerment. We especially direct you to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) where you may learn about the universal principles found in the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition of spirituality.

Our Purpose

Agape’s purpose as an intentional spiritual community is to be a living environment for individuals to realize that they are unique emanations of God, the Love-Intelligence governing the Universe. We embody an understanding of our oneness with God and we consciously practice this truth in our everyday lives. Through the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom teachings and the energy of unconditional love, we are committed to individual transformation and to being a beneficial presence on the planet.


Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith is the Founder and CEO of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community in Los Angeles comprised of thousands of local members and global live streamers.

Highly regarded for its cultural, racial, and spiritual diversity and inclusivity, the late Coretta Scott King wrote to Dr. Beckwith, “I greatly admire what you are doing to bring about the Beloved Community, which is certainly what my dear husband worked for and ultimately gave his life.” Widely recognized for his teachings on the science of inner transformation and unity, Dr. Beckwith embraces a practical approach to spirituality utilizing meditation, affirmative prayer, and Life Visioning™, a spiritual technology he developed for conscious evolution, authentic living, and living your life purpose. These practices teach us to take the experience of inner peace and awakened awareness into our everyday lives.

Dr. Beckwith is a sought-after meditation teacher, conference speaker, and seminar leader on the Life Visioning Process™. He’s addressed audiences at the UN General Assembly during its annual World Interfaith Harmony Week, TEDx Maui, and Oprah Winfrey Network’s (OWN) SuperSoul Sessions, among numerous others. As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, he hosts conferences featuring harbingers of world peace including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and had the distinguished honor of presenting to Nelson Mandela the Gandhi King Award. As a spiritual leader, Dr. Beckwith has always taught about the unity of humanity and that of all life, including protecting the sanctity and preciousness of Mother Earth: “We are to be responsible stewards for the earth, and during this time of climate change, we must reduce our carbon footprint, protect the rainforests, plant more trees and take a stand for Mother Earth as if our lives depend on it, because they do.” He also serves on the Advisory Board of Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Center for the Study of African American Religious Life (CSAARL), Center for the Study of African American Religious Life.

Three of his books—Life Visioning, Spiritual Liberation, and TranscenDance Expanded—have received the prestigious Nautilus Award. Dr. Beckwith has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, OWN’s SuperSoul Sunday and Help Desk; Dr. Oz; ABC News, CNN, The Oprah Show; Larry King Live; Tavis Smiley; and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. He is a member of Oprah’s esteemed inaugural SuperSoul 100. His new podcast, Take Back Your Mind with Michael B. Beckwith, is available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and wherever you get your podcasts. For more information visit

service times

Service Times & Location

Sunday Mornings

All Agape Sunday services are livestreamed online. You can also join us in-person for our 11AM PT Meditation & 11:30AM PT Fellowship services.


6:45am Way of Meditation


8:30am Meditation

9:00am Service


11:00am Meditation

11:30am Service

Sign language interpreting available

online & in person

Agape’s Sunday services are currently held at:

The Saban Theatre 
8440 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 348-1250

Flynt Building Parking

8484 Wilshire Blvd (next door to the Saban Theatre)

Paid parking

Beverly Hills Tennis Center Parking Garage321 S. La Cienega Blvd
Free parking on Sundays
Free metered parking near the Saban is available on Sundays. Be sure to read the signs.
For real-time parking availability:

Livestream the Way of Meditation, Sunday Worship & Celebration Services, and View the Archives!

Livestream Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dr. Beckwith speak at every service?

Dr. Beckwith speaks at all three Sunday Services except when he is away for speaking engagements or at international conferences. Dr. Beckwith selects guest speakers, Agape Ministers or Agape affiliates who are renowned teachers and speakers in their fields of expertise.

Are there services and programs for children during Sunday services?

Yes, every Sunday Agape’s Youth & Family ministry provides Sunday services and activities for children and teens, as well as a baby nursery, staffed by our volunteers.

Are there any Agape-affiliated communities outside of Los Angeles? If not, how can I affiliate and study its courses?

Agape is developing many possibilities for individuals and related spiritual communities living outside of Los Angeles to become Agape affiliates, to study with us, and to serve our global family. Current Agape-affiliate communities include:

There are opportunities to study online with Dr. Beckwith as well as attending Agape’s many retreats, workshops and conferences that are offered throughout the year. Please visit our website for upcoming courses, retreats and events.

There are also opportunities to hear Dr. Beckwith speak in your area as he travels for speaking engagements both nationally and internationally. A list of his speaking events can be found at

Do I have to be an official member to attend Agape’s services, take courses and participate in special events and volunteer?

Agape does not require formal affiliation and is accessible to all individuals on equal terms. This applies to taking courses, receiving pastoral care services, volunteering in outreach programs, and so on. The exception applies to those individuals who wish to become an Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner or minister, and therefore must fulfill the requirements relative to these licensed ecclesiastical positions.

Is Agape a church and does it follow a mainstream religious teaching based on scripture?

Generally-speaking, the word “church” is associated with Christian denominations and their houses of worship. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith founded Agape as a trans-denominational spiritual “center” because this terminology best describes the inclusiveness and diversity for which Agape is known and respected.

Agape embraces a Reality that the world’s scriptures and sacred texts endeavor to describe, even as they acknowledge the impossibility of such a task. Some call It God, Great Spirit, Hashem, or Allah, while others simply prefer to leave it nameless. Agape teaches that this ultimate Reality is the ever-present Source of all life and that we are made in its image and likeness, which makes us co-creative participants in the world in which we live.

Through Agape’s teaching of the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition of spirituality, individuals are taught the universal spiritual principles and laws governing the cosmos, and the practices by which one can apply them. Many of these technologies have been practiced by spiritual seekers for thousands of years, teachings which to this present day are practical in meeting humanity’s challenges of 21st century living.

Agape’s teachings point the way to how an individual may cultivate their own unique relationship with this ineffable Presence and live in conscious connection with It. In Agape’s services and courses, we refer to the world’s scriptures and sacred texts, as well as the writings of ancient and contemporary mystics, teachers, sages, philosophers, pundits and scientists.

Generally-speaking, the word “church” is associated with Christian denominations and their houses of worship. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith founded Agape as a trans-denominational spiritual “center” because this terminology best describes the inclusiveness and diversity for which Agape is known and respected.

Agape embraces a Reality that the world’s scriptures and sacred texts endeavor to describe, even as they acknowledge the impossibility of such a task. Some call It God, Great Spirit, Hashem, or Allah, while others simply prefer to leave it nameless. Agape teaches that this ultimate Reality is the ever-present Source of all life and that we are made in its image and likeness, which makes us co-creative participants in the world in which we live.

Through Agape’s teaching of the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition of spirituality, individuals are taught the universal spiritual principles and laws governing the cosmos, and the practices by which one can apply them. Many of these technologies have been practiced by spiritual seekers for thousands of years, teachings which to this present day are practical in meeting humanity’s challenges of 21st century living.

Agape’s teachings point the way to how an individual may cultivate their own unique relationship with this ineffable Presence and live in conscious connection with It. In Agape’s services and courses, we refer to the world’s scriptures and sacred texts, as well as the writings of ancient and contemporary mystics, teachers, sages, philosophers, pundits and scientists.

Is Agape Christian? And do you believe in the Bible and Jesus?

Agape follows the spiritual wisdom teachings and examples of Jesus the Christ, but it is not Christian in the traditional sense. The New Thought-Ageless Wisdom history that Agape embraces includes the Gnostic teachings of Jesus and the earliest Christian mystical sects including the teachings of Dr. Howard Washington Thurmon, as well as the founders of the uniquely American New Thought Movement including Emmanuel Swedenborg, Thomas Troward, Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Myrtle Fillmore, and transcendentalists such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and others.

While the Bible is mainly referenced in Dr. Beckwith’s services and Agape’s courses, the version that is primarily used is a metaphysical, Gnostic-inspired edition translated and interpreted from the original Aramaic, rather than the Greek translation used in traditional Christian churches. Also referenced are scriptures from the world’s wisdom traditions including the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Tao Te Ching, Kabbalah’s Zohar, works by the transcendentalists and more.

Agape teaches that Jesus was not the great exception, but rather the great example. Classically, the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition of spirituality regards Jesus an enlightened being, one who attained cosmic consciousness, or liberation from a sense of separation from the Source of All That Is. Jesus, like Gautama The Buddha, are revered as great teachers, way-showers, as exemplars of unconditional love, selfless service, and self-mastery.

Can I still practice my Judaism/Christianity and become a member of Agape?

Absolutely! Many within the Agape community maintain their Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Buddhist faith, while others continue to practice the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, or other spiritual master teachers of past or present generations. As a result, mixed-tradition couples and families often find common ground at Agape without compromising other loyalties.

How do I become an Agape member?

While Agape does not require formal membership to be a part of our community, we offer a series of free “New Members” courses throughout the year which provides a basic overview of Agape’s foundational teachings. Upon completion of the course, individuals are formally acknowledged as a member with a certificate.

To inquire about membership please visit our First Time Visitors & Guest Relations Table before or after any one of our Sunday services.

Is there a special protocol or etiquette I would be expected to follow during services? Is there a dress code?

Although Agape has no altar or religious icons in its sanctuary, the space itself is considered sacred and the vibration within it holy. As with all temples, mosques, synagogues and churches, Agape expects that those attending services present themselves and conduct themselves with respect and reverence for the total environment and other individuals within the space. No food or beverages are permitted in the sanctuary, except for water. While there is no formal dress code, we encourage one’s own sense of respect and reverence to inform individuals about what is appropriate dress attire.

Does Agape take collections during services, and how does it support its administration?

As a non-profit, philanthropic organization, Agape depends upon the generosity of its members, congregants and friends. Agape provides a variety of ways to offer tithes, gifts, legacy giving and more to support our administration, ministries and local and global humanitarian outreach services. Collections are taken during our services, and you may learn about other tithing and giving opportunities by visiting the Donation page on this website.

What is a practitioner?

During services you will hear us mention “practitioners” who pray on behalf of the congregation, and with individuals.

This refers to Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioners (ALSP), spiritual counselors who are licensed as part of the ecclesiastical order of Agape. They have taken specific courses in the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom teachings and function as spiritual counselors who practice a form of prayer that is in alignment with universal principles governing the cosmos.

Practitioners are available for prayer at the end of each Sunday service, and also participate in a 24-hour prayer phone line which anyone may call and request prayer at (310) 348-1270. For a fee, you can also work privately with a practitioner for individual spiritual counseling sessions. For a list of practitioners, visit: or email

Sunday Services

All Services Are Livestreamed on, YouTube & Facebook

  • 6:45amWay of Meditation
  • 8:30amMeditation
  • 9amService
  • In-Person & Livestreamed
  • 11amMeditation
  • 11:30amService
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