Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The Agape Prayer Ministry
- The Agape Practitioner Core
- Sacred Service Ministry
- One From the Heart Ministry
- CommonUnity Ministry
- Youth & Family Ministry
- LGBTQ Ministry
- Freedom Path Ministry
- Global Works Ministry
- Living Food Ministry
- Somos Agape
- Music and Arts
- The Agape Wise Ones
The Agape Prayer Ministry |
The Agape Prayer Ministry, staffed by Agape licensed prayer practitioners, provides prayer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Affirmative prayer activates the Truth of who we are as individualized expressions of Spirit which is perfect, whole and complete. |
prayer@agapelive.com | If you need prayer, call (310) 348-1270 or email us. |
praccore@agapelive.com | For a list of practitioners, visit: www.agapepractitioners.com or email us. |
Sacred Service Ministry |
Service is a path to know God. The Sacred Service Ministry honors the spiritual practice of service as a way of life. It is the place where we outwardly express who we inwardly are by sharing our gifts and talents. In doing so, we create a strong sense of community while expanding our hearts and fulfilling our souls. Want to activate your spiritual authority, get involved and serve your community? Start here! Join one of our many ministries and be a beneficial presence. |
Orientation.SacredService@agapelive.com | To get started or for information on our quarterly Sacred Service Orientations, email us. |
One From the Heart Ministry |
One From the Heart is the Pastoral Care Ministry of Agape. Agape licensed practitioners and ministers offer compassionate support to those who are experiencing illness, moving through the conscious dying process, bereaved or experiencing a life crisis. The bedrock of support offered by One From the Heart is a prayerful awareness of absolute wholeness which allows us to see peace and clarity during challenging circumstances. We offer crisis, grief, and life-transition support, as well as home/hospital visitation for adults and children. |
oneheart@agapelive.com | To receive support, call us at: (310) 348-1260, x1281 or email us. |
CommonUnity Ministry |
CommonUnity’s teams put compassion into action to serve an emerging paradigm of a kind and just global society that works for the highest and best for us all. United by a commitment to integrate spiritual practice and social action, CommonUnity’s programs and partnerships with grassroots organizations including feeding homeless individuals, teaching conflict resolution, protecting our ecological resources, and serving those living in marginalized and institutionalized communities. CommonUnity volunteers respond from an inner awareness of the sacred interconnectedness of all life. |
Youth & Family Ministry |
Agape’s Youth & Family Ministry programs draw forth the Divinity of every child using the tools of affirmative prayer, meditation and service. Program Schedule: Sunday Services: 8:30am and 11:00am |
youth@agapelive.com | We practice the principles of New Thought-Ageless Wisdom as a way of life in fun and engaging ways! |
LGBTQ Ministry |
Agape’s LGBTQ ministry is founded upon the principle of experiencing unity through appreciating diversity, and is open to everyone. Members meet monthly for enriching workshops, prayer, dialogue, hikes and celebration. |
LGBT@agapelive.com | Special events are hosted throughout the year. |
Freedom Path Ministry |
The Freedom Path Ministry serves anyone who is challenged by attachments or addictions in a sacred atmosphere of unconditional love, healing, and open-hearted sharing where participants are able to realize, activate and celebrate their inherent, authentic freedom. |
freedompath@agapelive.com | While Freedom Path is not a 12-Step program, its members actively practice the 11th Step: prayer and meditation. |
Global Works Ministry |
Global Works oversees Agape’s international outreach programs that promote our vision of a world without human suffering that honors our sacred humanity. |
globalworks@agapelive.com | Global Works forges collaborations with humanitarian organizations worldwide through interfaith intercultural programs, by providing philanthropic support for orphanages, feeding programs, schools, retraining programs, microloans, clinics, human advocacy and disaster relief in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Columbia, Ecuador, Ghana, Haiti, India, Iraq, Kosovo, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, the U.S., among many others. |
Living Food Ministry |
Agape’s Living Food Ministry raises awareness about plant-based nutrition through monthly meetings that include speakers, live food preparation and demonstrations, field trips, potlucks, visioning, and discussion. |
wholelivefoods@agapelive.com | Everyone is welcome to participate in the spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional insights that arise at these inclusive and sacred gatherings. |
Somos Agape |
El Ministerio SOMOS AGAPE fue creado para compartir las enseñanzas del nuevo pensamiento, así como las aborda el Reverendo Michael Bernard Beckwtih, para la comunidad de habla hispana. Únete a nosotros para un espacio de meditación, oración afirmativa y enseñanza en tu idioma. Escribenos a agapeespanol@agapelive.com para que recibas notificaciones en cuanto a nuestros próximos encuentros virtuales y eventos.
Acompáñanos todos los sábados a las 8:30am por FB y por IG para que recibas oración afirmativa y el apoyo de una comunidad que celebra tu potencial ilimitado como un ser total, sin fronteras, ni límites.
Te esperamos.
Music and Arts |
Under the leadership of Music & Arts director Marianne Lewis, ALSP, Agape’s Music & Arts Ministry – comprised of the Agape All-Star House Band, stellar solo vocalists and musicians, and the Agape Global Choir – provides the dynamic, soul-stirring music at each Sunday service! |
The Agape Wise Ones |
The Agape Wise Ones Ministry’s mission is to provide a global community that actively engages and promotes spiritual awareness and growth for individuals who are 50+. |