Meditative Thought
Remember that your heartsets and mindsets are the mechanisms of empowerment in all of your life structures. Nurture them, nourish them by diving deeply into the reservoir of consciousness through your spiritual practices of affirmative prayer, meditation, life visioning, and generosity of heart. Daily enter the sanctuary of your soul so that you may touch the exquisite Presence of your being. After all, doesn’t your relationship with the Divine deserve 1/24th of your conscious attention each day?
Rev. Michael's Monthly Theme Letter
The inspired thoughts of God guide and direct me, support and uplift me!
A radiant world of beauty and love is my dwelling place!
My life is an ongoing expression of grace and right action!
A dynamic sense of abundance and wholeness overflows my awareness!
Open doors and open hearts greet me everywhere I go!
Gratefully I live and give the gifts God gave me!
And so it is! Amen!
Welcome Video
our events
Agape at a Glance

The Frequency Factor 5 Week Course
A 5 week transformative experience staring April 9th!

Agape’s Daily Prayer Sessions
Join your Agape Family each morning at 8am (Pacific Time) via FaceBook Live!
Here are some upcoming regular events and gatherings:

Laughter Yoga – Monthly Meeting
Laughter Yoga Class is an opportunity to Fellowship in the Practice of Spiritual Joy!

Freedom Path – Monthly Meeting
Together, in a safe space where unconditional love & support is available for anyone seeking liberation!

OFTH Crisis Support Clinic
Have a mini-counseling session with an Agape Licensed practitioner!

One Love Ministry – Monthly Meeting
Join the One Love Ministry's monthly meeting.
3rd Saturday of the month @ 9am PT

The Agape Wise Ones – Monthly Meeting
The Agape Wise Ones meets on the third Sunday of each month at 2 PM PT

Agape’s Daily Meditation Sessions
Join your Agape Family daily, at 12:00pm (Pacific Time) on Facebook Live!

Agape’s Daily Prayer Sessions
Join your Agape Family each morning at 8am (Pacific Time) via FaceBook Live!

Laughter Yoga – Monthly Meeting
Laughter Yoga Class is an opportunity to Fellowship in the Practice of Spiritual Joy!