Meditative Thought
Through Jesus’s conscious union and communion with Spirit, he received a revelation of a promise etched in forever: there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can separate us from our Creator Source and its unconditional love for each and every one of us. This is our eternal, divine inheritance in spite of any and all appearances. This mystical union between the soul and Spirit is the supreme love we are all seeking. We taste an appetizer of it in all forms of human love until the day comes that we feast upon the formless entrée of Divine Love itself.
Rev. Michael's Monthly Theme Letter
My life is lived on a wave of creative genius!
All that I need is within me and I manifest it with grace and ease!
I live God’s vision for my life with dignity, elegance and style!
Love goes before me to guide my steps and light my way!
I declare it! I decree it! And I am happy to be it!
This is a new day and I gratefully rejoice in it!
And so it is! Amen
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Agape at a Glance

Agape’s Daily Prayer Sessions
Join your Agape Family each morning at 8am (Pacific Time) via FaceBook Live!

Agape’s Daily Meditation Sessions
Join your Agape Family daily, at 12:00pm (Pacific Time) on Facebook Live!

Invisible Supply: A Transformative 5-Week Online Journey
Join us for a transformative 5 week journey, with Rev. Coco Stewart!

OFTH Animal Bereavement Support Group
The One From The Heart Animal Kinship Bereavement Support Group meets on the second Sunday of each month.

OFTH Bereavement Support Group
On the second Sunday of each month this group provides a safe and loving environment open to all in need of support during the grieving process.

OFTH Crisis Support Clinic
Have a mini-counseling session with an Agape Licensed practitioner!