Invisible, Indivisible and Invincible—You Becoming More You
Today, know with me that humor is a gateway to wisdom. Walk through it and you will master a spiritual skill that will create space between you and the fictional character you call yourself.
The cosmic laughter of Spirit bathes my soul in joy. I see with clear seeing, and all that I do is from the pure joy of being.
Being Happy is loving myself. I am Fun-ded
I radiate happiness and fulfillment. I am Fun-ded
The universe is always conspiring for my Joy. I am Fun-ded
I deserve to live a life full of fun. I am Fun-ded
I am ready, willing, and able to trust spirit in the funding of my life. I am Fun-ded
I attract positivity and healthy relationships. I am Fun-ded
Being happy, enjoying myself is loving myself. I am Fun-ded
I already have everything I need and desire. I am Fun-ded
As I am surrounded by friends, family. I am Fun-ded
Joy heals the world and is my light. Peace protects the world Peace exists. We are Fun-ded